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curlybraces wesbite

curlybraces wesbite

The homepage of the startup which I co-founded.

HTML CSS Javascript bootstrap


Developed and Implemented backend and frontend of the CRM jampacked client management, customer support, and priority management features. It included Automatinglead capture, Qualifying and prioritizing the hottest leads and converting them, delivers insights and recommendations. Converted leads are turned into members on a subscription-based model. Implemented search functionality according to text and filters. Converted leads are turned into members on a subscription-based model. Integrated Payment System for Subscriptions. Developed REST APIs.

react redux sass django sql html javascript


Added new features to existing mobile android and IOS app. The app is for teachers, parents and staff to read notices and every information for the school.

ViacomCBS SMART portal

ViacomCBS SMART portal

Developed S.M.A.R.T (Social Media Analytics Reporting Tool) web portal which gives detailed insights of major entertainment houses. Added new responsive pages, features leading to increased user adoption. Improved the load time of the portal by 61% by optimizing SQL queries and JS code. Fixed existing bugs to improve the performance Updating legacy code to the latest coding standards.

React Redux Django Python Redis Redshift SQL SCSS
Cyphertree website

Cyphertree website

A CRM-based company website from scratch. Developed highly responsive smooth pages Developed endpoints for receiving content using GraphQL. Created a user-friendly dashboard for admin users to change the content easily. Used new age headless CMS Strapi to manage the backend.

React Strapi GraphQL netlify SCSS

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